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Dracaena Cuyabeno 4 days 3 nights


REGULAR DEPARTURES : Monday, Tuesday & Friday

* Location: lower part of Cuyabeno Reserve ( Aguarico and Cuyabeno Rivers)

Travel-Time-Ecuador-amazonia-DRACAENA-CUYABENO.00_jpgDAY 1.- Our tour begins at 09h30am in Lago Agrio. We travel by bus/truck to Tierras Orientales (2 hours aprox). Lunch. After we start our canoe journey down the Aguarico River and continue along the Cuyabeno black water river, to our Lodge. ( 2 ½ hours aprox. ) Finally we arrive in Nicky Amazon Lodge. We have time for a short relax or just lay back in the hammock. In the evening we go for a walk through the surrounding. After dinner our naturalist bilingual guide gives us a briefing on the upcoming activities during the next few days.

DAY 2.- Early morning a canoe excursion because the brisk morning hours are the best time to see the rainforest thriving activity. After breakfast, we trek into primary rainforest with our Naturalist guide who shares their wealth of knowledge, showing us the medicinal and practical uses of the rainforests flora and fauna that their ancestors have taught throughout generations and we learn how all life in the tropical rainforest coexists in a fragile balance. Some species of amphibians, butterflies, centipedes and millipedes, snakes, birds, monkeys or any mammals footprints in the trail. After lunch we always have a relax time to enjoy the place or just lay back in the hammock , we go out with our canoe to enjoy the beautiful landscapes and to try to find some species of monkeys or dolphins; we have a good chance of seeing the freshwater pink and grey river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis and Sotalia fluviatilis) in the spectac ular scenery. After dinner we venture in the forest to find species of insects and with a bit of luck species of snakes or colorful frogs.

Travel-Time-Ecuador-MONO-ARDILLA-AMAZONIA_7998759_lDAY 3.- Starting early in the morning we spend the whole day exploring. After early breakfast we navigate downstream to observe the enchanting salt lick (exposed clay bank) where colourful Parrots and Parakeets feed on the clay to draw the toxins from their bodies. We navigate the Cuyabeno River until the end of its black waters, along the way, we always observe many species of birds, monkeys and other. After, we visit a kichwa family of the local community, where our hostess explains their traditions from the past to the present, such as how they prepare “the jungle bread”. We return to the lodge. After lunch, you always have a short relax time. In the afternoon, we navigate along the Cuyabeno River, we also try our luck at Piranha ecological fishing and admire a view of the surrounding rainforest, we also observe a variety of species; including Toucans, Parrots, Monkeys, and many more while we enjoy the sunset in the rainforest. After dinner, we venture out on a night navigation to search for Caimans (alligator family), we observe the fishing bats and nocturnal birds. Finally our guide gives us a captivating lecture about some topics of the rainforest.

DAY 4.- The last early activity a walk into the primary forest permits to take the last remember of this wonderful place. After breakfast you prepare your luggage for your trip back. We navigate along Cuyabeno River towards to the Aguarico River until Tierras Orientales. After Box lunch our bus/truck will take us to Lago Agrio arriving at 15h30 aprox. Departure flight/bus to Quito.

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